Xen maps
have never been in high demand. The original
Valve Xen maps were for many the low point of
Half-Life. So its quite easy to see why not many
people have used the theme in deathmatch. On
opening XenDM my opinions were nearly swayed by
the theme, but Rolf Hulsbergen proves that he can
do the Xen theme justice.
The first thing you notice about XenDM is that it
is quite a big map. There are several large main
areas interconnected by
narrow corridors and vents. Thankfully the author
understands that the world is not a matchbox (well
the Xen world at least)and has given his map a
very curved feel. A lot of new mappers seem to
struggle with the architecture side of there
maps, but the author shows us a mastery of his
editor that you rarely see from new mappers. The
best thing about the architecture is that the
authors pulls it off without crippling the game
engine. The r_speeds rarely ever go over 200 and
even the most humble of machines will be able to
play this map like a dream.
The author has translated most of the things we
expect to see in deathmatch maps and given them
all a Xen feel. The lights
all look much more organic. The health rechargers
have been replaced by the healing pools seen in
the Half-Life single player. The author even
replaces the vents with a Xen equivelent. Ambient
sounds are used in some areas of the map and add
to the overall atmosphere. The lighting in XenDM
is reasonably well executed and fits in with the
theme. The textures also make you feel that you
are in an alien world and go along well with the
authors intereasting architecture.
XenDM is generally well connected and there are
only one or two areas where you will find
yourself at a dead end. However you feel like you
are being led around some areas and sometimes end
up going round in circles. The inclusion of an
extra exit in some areas could have prevented
this. Weapon placement is good in most areas and
you are never low on ammo, however some weapons (like
the Hornetgun and satchels) are harder to get to
than weaker ones like the MP5. Which brings me on
to the authors use of traps. The gauss gun is
well guarded by lasers which turn on and off at
regular intervals. The MP5 is placed under a huge
laser beam which is activated by shooting it. Why
the author chose to put the MP5 here instead of a
stronger weapon like the egon or RPG is probably
down to his judgement of weapon strengths. I
agree that the MP5 is a strong weapon, but I
don't think it deserves to be guarded by such a
destructive trap.
Overall, XenDM is a very well made map. Its even
better when you consider that its the author's
first. Its certainly enjoyable to play, and with
a bit of tweaking to the weapon placement and
connectivity it could be something special.
Definatly one of the best Xen maps around and
certainly worth playing.