Alpha is
the debut map by SuperCrazy and like many debuts
it has some good features. But unfortuantly, like
many debuts, it has its many faults.
Lighting is a fairly standard, but slighly
uninspiring affair. For a first map its a pretty
good effort, however there are several badly lit
areas, either being way too light, or too dark,
which as we know can lead to camping spots, but
more on that later. With a large portion of this
map being set outside, its nice to see the
authors good use of shadows. This makes many of
the outdoor areas appear more natural, however
this is one of the reasons for some areas being
too dark. Texturing is fairly well done for a
first map and is pulled off sensibly. However its
not very nice to look at. The outsides of all the
buildings use the same concrete texture making
them look very boring and ugly. The author says
that he has taken care of misaligned textures
during the making of the map, and it shows, I
couldn't see any misaligned textures when I
looked around. Architecture is like in many first
maps, rather basic. Most of the buildings are
rather square, with the odd curve or two. The map
would benefit a great deal with a more detailed
approach to the architecture, as most areas are
pretty bare. The only thing that keeps most of
the indoor areas from being empty is the addition
of crates and barrels. The use of spiral
staircases is a nice touch and spices the map up
a bit, however one of these staircases is a bit
took steep for my liking. A lift or a ladder
would have fitted better in this area, as the
staircase appears to have been squashed up. In
one area, the author has added a glass tube with
a laser running through it. Again this spices up
the visuals, but only very slightly.
The author appears to have grasped how to use the
tools, and his map is fairly well built for a
beginner. However like most new mappers, the
author falls down from not understanding well
enough what makes a good deathmatch map. The
connectivity is unfortuantly fairly bad. Most
areas only have one or two exits (which
includings doubling back on yourself). The
outdoor area acts as a central hub, connecting
the main areas of the map, but once you get
inside, it feels like you are being led around on
a leesh. There are many dead ends in this map,
and just adding more entrances where these appear
could have greatly helped the connectivity. The
authors use of ladders help the player get around
and boosts the connectivity of some areas. Ammo
is placed generously all over the map, and you
are not likely to be running short. The weapons
are also fairly well spread out. There are quite
a few health and energy pickups to be found,
which greatly helps in the middle of a fight.
Some of the weapons (such as snarks) are quite
hard to reach and require climbling crates and
some tricky jumping. The RPG is guarded by a
laser grid which toggles on and off every 30
seconds. This is a good idea, but blocks off the
area and slows down the flow. Also there is quite
a bit of RPG ammo placed in this area, again
encouraging camping. The long jump module is
needed to get the egon. The author has decide to
emit the gauss and the hornetgun. Leaving out
weapons is becoming a popular move made by
mappers these days, however I feel he should have
kept the gauss in the place of the egon. I think
that placing a turret in one of the rooms was
unneccessary and again creates opportunites for
camping. However it is possible to eliminate the
person using the turret as they are made
vunerable by an exit to their rear. Like I have
mentioned several times throughout this review,
the author has unfortuantly created several
camping spots. One of these is a gap behind a
stairwell, where you could easily hide undetected
whilst picking off passers by. One fairly dark
area containing a health charger and crossbow
ammo is a campers paradise, but for the rest of
us it becomes a nightmare. The appearance of
these spots is one of the factors that slows down
the flow of the map considerably. Also some of
the corridors are a bit cramped and slow down the
player slightly. R_speeds range from between 200
and slighly over 600 in areas. So in most areas
the action should not suffer much slow down.
However considering the lack of complexity in the
map, the r_speeds could have been made much lower
with a bit of careful tweaking.
Overall, this is a fairly good first attempt at
mapping, and clearly the author has put quite a
bit of effort into making it. However like many
new mappers, the author lacks an understanding of
what makes a good deathmatch map. If the author
takes what I have said on board and keeps
practising he should be able to produce some
pretty good maps. Unfortuanly for the players
though, I can't really recommend this map, unless
you have played everything else to death.