Haunted Lab
monsters, and genetic experiments gone wrong.
This description may sound intereasting to any
horror movie fan. After seeing the name of this
map at file planet (or something like that) I was
immediatly drawn to the "Haunted"
aspect of the map. I have to say that after I had
finished it I felt slightly let down. Here's the
full story:
When I first loaded this level I was quite
pleased to see the use of rain and lightning
effects, I feel it really set the mood of the map.
This is good as when you start playing it does
feel like you're in a horror movie. After walking
inside I see an axe lying on the floor, I picked
it up and SHOCK HORROR! custom weapon models. The
axe acts as a crowbar replacement (obviously, it
would seem stupid having an axe that fire rockets),
there is also a remodelled shotgun, and later on
in the map you can find a cool hornetgun
replacement that fires flaming skulls. I read in
the readme that the author mainly made this map
to show off his new models. Unfortuantly this
soon shows. I think I should point out my main
problem with this level first. Whilst the map has
a nice atmosphere, he really needs to take some
time in future with the lighting. Through out the
entire level the author uses the flickering
lighting effect. If used in moderation this is a
nice effect but in this map I have to say it
nearly drove me to smashing my monitor up with my
bare hands. Another thing that you will notice
about this map is the addition of new monsters.
It features a remodelled zombie, handcrab and
something I'm not too sure about (its a rat, but
I'm not sure what it replaces). These monsters
add to the theme of genetic experiments (just
look at the screenshots and you'll see what I
mean). The architecture of this map is
unfortuantly rather basic, I don't think this
really took away much from the overall feel of
the map, but I would have preferred to have seen
something a little more intereasting. One of the
high points of the map is the r_speeds. They
generally stick around 200 which is brilliant.
However in places they jump over 1000. I can't
really think of a reason for this, as the maps
are very small and the architecture quite basic.
Unfortuantly this episode is far too short (weighing
in at a measly 4 bsps). If you rush through this
map you can finish it in about 2 minutes. The
author seems to have a habit of making objects
break and monsters jump out of them at you. This
is good at first, but soon gets very predictable.
One thing I like about the haunted lab is weapon
placement, I think the author gives you just the
right amount of ammo, by the end of the map I
hardly had any ammo left. At certain points in
the map you see ghost scientists around the map.
This is a nice effect and adds to the creepy
feeling of the map. Another weakness of this map
are the lack of sequences. The only noteable
sequence is the ending, which is still nothing
spectacular. The texturing is appropriate to the
theme and works well to increase the atmosphere.
The author has included one or two new sounds (like
monster screams) which sound pretty weird, but
don't really add much to the map itself. One
thing which really bugged me about this level was
the lack of puzzles. For me a good map needs
balanced unpredictable combat and some good
puzzles. A lack of puzzles will be refreshing for
those who just want a quick satisfying fight, but
unfortuantly this map fails to provide in this
area either.
I think the author could have made much more of
this map if he had spent more time on it and
applyed himself more. He seems to have talent and
I'm sure if he follows my advice he could pull
off something spectacular. I think he may just
have run out of ideas (or time) and decided to
finish it sharply with an extremly overcliched
ending (you wake up and realize it was just a
dream, maybe not a cliche in terms of Half-Life
maps but not exactly a brilliant ending).
Unfortuantly I can't really recommend this map to
anyone, unless you've played everything and need
to satisfy an addiction playing single player